Rafał Trzaskowski proposes limiting social security for Ukrainians to 800 plus. PiS draws attention to PO’s hypocrisy when it comes to handing out money. Shortly after the formal start of the election campaign for the President of Poland, the candidate of the Civic Coalition, Rafał Trzaskowski, announced that he wanted restrictions in the 800 plus […]
Tag: PIS
PiS President: Sorry, we made a mistake, we will fix it
PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński admitted that introducing a big SISTER for small entrepreneurs was a mistake. – I’m sorry, we made a mistake, we will fix it – he announced. On Sunday, President of Law and Justice Jarosław Kaczyński met with the residents of Kielce. After the politician’s speech, questions came from the audience. – […]
The Supreme Court of Audit’s critical report on PiS was rejected thanks to Sawicki
The meeting of the Sejm State Control Committee had a surprising ending. And all thanks to PSL’s Marek Sawicki. According to the Business Insider Polska website, the State Audit Commission has not accepted the Supreme Court of Auditors’ report on the support provided by the state to companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was requested […]
A most unusual government
Straight Zigzag II There has probably been no more extraordinary government in recent times than Morawiecki’s ‘provisional government’, i.e. his last government – the one that everyone, including his prime minister and others, knew from the start was a very provisional government. , because barely two weeks old. This “provisional government” demonstrated again and again […]
Upon her departure, the Minister of Health awarded several people high awards
In the last hours of her term, the Minister of Health in the PiS government, Katarzyna Sójka, awarded high financial rewards. How much did she pay from taxpayers’ money and to whom? On Monday, the current prime minister will give a speech in the Sejm, followed by a vote on a vote of confidence in […]
This is one of Morawiecki’s last decisions. It’s about taxes
The government introduces 0% VAT. for food. This could be one of Mateusz Morawiecki’s last decisions as Prime Minister. On November 20, PiS MPs submitted to the Sejm a draft amendment to the Goods and Services Tax Law, which envisages an extension of zero VAT on food from January 1 to the end of June […]
What about energy prices? The Marshal of the Sejm decided on the government project
The government’s draft amendment to the law supporting consumers of electricity, gas and heat and certain other laws, assuming an extension of maximum electricity and gas prices next year at this year’s levels, will be submitted together with the draft law go to the parliamentary committee. the Civic Coalition, Poland 2050-PSL and the New Left, […]
Morawiecki: This is what media around the world write about the Polish economy
Do you want to know the balance of 8 years of PiS rule? This is what media around the world write about the Polish economy! – says Prime Minister Morawiecki. The Prime Minister states that the state of the Polish economy over the past eight years has been characterized by the lowest unemployment in history, […]
The Supreme Court of Audit has investigated the grain scandal. ‘The audit results are devastating for the government’
The government’s actions were unreliable, ineffective and late, and the Minister of Agriculture contributed to the market chaos – according to the Supreme Court of Auditors’ report on the grain scandal. From June 1, 2022, grain from international companies based in Ukraine could be imported into the territory of the European Union without any tariff […]
“PiS drops another bomb.” The government’s proposal could cause a lot of confusion
Everything indicates that the PiS government wants to submit the seniority pension project to the Sejm before taking power. “PiS drops another bomb. There will be a project for seniority pensions,” writes “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”. He points out that this is yet another proposal from the outgoing government that “could cause a lot of confusion.” […]