For now, the election campaign has focused on issues far removed from reality. From the controversy over the flame in the FdI symbol to that of presidentialism, moving on to the protection of the civil rights of minorities. But whoever, as of September 26, has the levers of command in the country will have to […]
Tag: political elections
Political elections, 101 symbols deposited. Also check out “Italians with Dragons”
The delivery of the electoral symbols for the September 25 elections ended with the Ministry of the Interior. In all, 98 political movements deposited 101 marks. Among these today – in addition to the Peretti-Liberal Catholic Democracy, Popular Union with De Magistris, Marco Cappato’s Referendum and Democracy and + Europa with Emma Bonino – emerged […]
Election polls, the League grows and the center-right is ahead: the numbers that scare the Democratic Party
Matteo Salvini’s League is booming again, as evidenced by the latest poll by YouTrend per SkyTg24. According to the survey, Carroccio is at 14%, a growth marked after the launch of the “Credo” campaign, Fratelli d’Italia – writes the Corriere della Sera – is at 24.2% and therefore is ahead of the Democratic Party, which […]
Election 2022, Calenda and Renzi’s move to mock the center-right in the Senate: “tie” and the Draghi government
The objective, to say the least ambitious, is to remove votes from the center-right and not let anyone win the political elections on 25 September. Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi are studying the strategy to try to become the tip of the scale and perhaps succeed in imposing a new government with Mario Draghi at […]
Elections 20022, revolt against Letta and Conte: “out of office” parachuted into easy boarding schools
The “good” faculties are few, all well located, and the big names are scrambling to grab them. Similar situations are experienced by Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte. The first has its strength in the red regions (albeit a little faded): Emilia Romagna and Toscana. The second hopes for reassuring percentages in the South (“Polls in […]
Lega program, “Credo” by Matteo Salvini: nuclear energy, quota 41 and armored borders
“I believe”. The Lega election campaign has begun. Secretary Matteo Salvini sums up in one word the meaning of his political commitment, the Lega’s electoral program and the reasons why Italians should vote for him on 25 September. The League reveals the keyword of its electoral campaign by illuminating four symbolic places on Friday night: […]
In the Pd cannabis program, migrants and Ddl Zan: Enrico Letta forgets people
Cannabis, ius scholae and Ddl Zan. Pd secretary Enrico Letta presents the Democrats’ electoral program in a national direction and part of the three points at which the curtain fell on the Draghi administration. Three divisive measures that angered Lega, FI and centrists and weakened the majority. Letta starts again from these three points, leaving […]
Presidentialism, “falsified reality”. Berlusconi’s rage against the Democratic Party. Melons: Italians must choose by whom they will be ruled
The attack continues in the words of Silvio Berlusconi, who yesterday – speaking of the reform of presidentialism – said that “Mattarella’s resignation would be necessary” in case of approval of the constitutional law. To feed the clash, it goes without saying, is the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, who, upon opening the […]
Gina Lollobrigida candidate for the Senate, leader of sovereign and popular Italy. Antonio Ingroia: 95 years old but lucid
At 95, Gina Lollobrigida tries her political adventure again. The actress, a symbol of Italian cinema of the 1950s and 1960s, known to all as “the Lollo”, will in fact be the main candidate of sovereign and popular Italy in the Senate, in the single-member electorate of Latina and in other electorates in the proportional […]
Matteo Salvini, your “credo” is booming on social media. League leader: “September 25 will be a beautiful day”
Matteo Salvini presents the League’s program and the keyword that will guide the electoral campaign: “Credo”, with the linked hashtag #credo that flies in the trends of hot topics on social networks. “I believe. In freedom, in social justice and in merit. That the person always comes before the State. In fair taxation, in the […]