A state of almost total confusion. A failed strategy, which not only makes the center-right’s victory even clearer, but also risks giving an excellent and unexpected result to the Five Star Movement and the Third Pole. Enrico Letta looks more and more like a boxer who has suffered a terrible string of blows and lost […]
Tag: political elections
Polls, Confidential Study Terrorizes the Democratic Party: What’s Behind Letta’s “Useful Vote”
Enrico Letta’s appeal to the “useful vote” that asks voters at least “4 percent more” than the polls attribute to the Democratic Party was not made by chance, but is based on a document that worries the Nazarene and not the least. . This is a confidential study commissioned by the Democratic Party and slipped […]
Now, Simona Malpezzi makes the study laugh: Letta Red Cross, the departure of Senator Pd
Moments of hilarity at the Agorà property, the Rai 3 program led by Giorgia Rombolà. In the studio to defend the reasons of the center-left and the Democratic Party, in the episode of Wednesday, September 7, is Senator Simona Malpezzi. “Russia sanctions work and the data shows that. If we had managed to strengthen the […]
Elections, the League focuses on the territory: candidates for Parliament presented in Rome and Lazio
Young, prepared, rooted in the territory. These are the characteristics of the League in Rome and in the Lazio region of its candidates for Parliament, presented yesterday by the undersecretary of the Mef Federico Freni during a press conference at the Roman headquarters of Carroccio, in via delle Botteghe Oscure. The regional secretary Claudio Durigon […]
Elections, the last tragic Letta: insults Livorno and complains about the electoral law registered in the Democratic Party
The latest gaffe starts with a joke. Sunday night, regional festival of Unity, in Tuscany. And more precisely Pisa, birthplace of Enrico Letta. Who, perhaps considering himself among friends, gets carried away by a football exclamation: “Let’s go Pisa, fuck Livorno”. Not many feel. But those few spread the word. Which arrives at the Leghorn […]
Latest political polls, Pd at its height: falls and sees the overtaking of the Italian Brothers disappear
Brothers from Italy, 5 Star Movement and Third Pole on the rise. Pd, Lega and Forza Italia in retreat. It is the center-right that continues to maintain a more than reassuring advantage over the opposing coalition. This is the trend photographed by the average of polls conducted by Agi/YouTrend when there are 18 days to […]
Election 2022, the Democratic Party loses consensus. Supermedia reveals who the election campaign works for
A few days after the polls’ publication blackout, here’s an update from Supermedia Agi/Youtrend in light of the many polls released in the last week. The next and final Supermedia will arrive on Friday, September 9th. Consensus is moving, demonstrating that the election campaign is “working”, albeit more for some parties than others. It works […]
Calenda: government of national unity also with Meloni. Letta goes up, earthquake on the left
Twenty days before the elections, here is the question and answer triangle. While TV comparisons are struggling to materialize, whether it’s Bruno Vespa’s living room or Enrico Mentana’s studio or any other TV station, leaders continue to tease each other remotely through press releases or social media. . In short, there is no trace of […]
Eight and a half, De Benedetti humiliates Letta: what he didn’t understand. Frost by Lilli Gruber
Less than three weeks before the political elections on September 25, Otto e Mezzo return to La7 and Lilli Gruber withdraws from the big game. The only guest, after Massimo Giannini and Lina Palmerini’s comments on Monday, September 5, is engineer Carlo De Benedetti, Domani’s editor. “Since the Democratic Party was created, I have always […]
Mentana Research, “All-Time High Melons”. Pd at the peak, and the sensational overtake appears
There is no shortage of twists in the Swg poll shown by Enrico Mentana on Tg La7 on Monday, September 5th, the penultimate one before the political elections on September 25th. The centre-right race continues with the Brothers of Italy, who gain a round percentage point from seven days ago. Giorgia Meloni’s party has 25.8%, […]