Tag: Social prosperity

Citizen income: this is how you can check whether you still have outstanding transfers

Citizen income: this is how you can check whether you still have outstanding transfers Citizen income: this is how you can check whether you still have outstanding transfers

In the coming days, payment will be made for the last cycle of the ‘Citizen Income’ program corresponding to December. As is known, this initiative is from national government This was done to subsidize the economy Colombian houses in extreme poverty and has an investment of $6.4 billion by 2024. According to Social prosperityl, this […]

The tenth payment cycle of the Mayor of Colombia will be carried out in November

The tenth payment cycle of the Mayor of Colombia will be carried out in November The tenth payment cycle of the Mayor of Colombia will be carried out in November

The beneficiaries will receive $80,000 in the country. But in the case of Bogotá, older adults will raise another $50,000, funded by the mayor’s office of the republic’s capital. In total they would be 130,000 pesos. Through a statement, Social Prosperity indicated that “people over the age of 90 can receive household payments as long […]
