We are republishing Fabrizio Gatti’s research, published last December and one of the most followed by our readers in 2024. Edoardo Barzago is definitely the richest student in Italy. He is only 23 years old and already has an impressive fortune of 2.4 billion euros. Of course, this isn’t cash like the dollars in Scrooge […]
Tag: super bonus
Home bonus changes from January: to benefit from the most generous discounts you have until 31 December
House bonus, last call. You only have a few days left to take advantage of the most generous discounts to renovate your second home or install a condensing boiler on your property. Starting in 2025, registration will change. The bonus for efficiency work in second homes has fallen from 50% to 36%, while the incentive […]
Superbonus research for 18 million but the apartment is unusable: 220 people are homeless The assessment battle between the municipality, engineers and firefighters: The building may collapse, or rather may not collapse. Technical Office: “Miscalculations”. But in the meantime the owners and traders have been expelled. And after more than three years we need almost a million to return
They were told that the 11-story building they lived in could collapse at any moment, they were evicted and their lives were turned upside down. In this apartment building we wrote about, the 18 million euro Superbonus was not enough: the building is still uninhabitable. Now the apartment and shop owners will have to bear […]
Readers report Three years away from home due to Superbonus work: They will have to pay 866 thousand euros to return An eleven-storey apartment building is being evacuated because it risks a “catastrophic collapse”. Hundreds of people have been forced to leave their homes and will have to pay to return. But there’s another joke: The calculations were wrong
Three years ago, a condominium consisting of more than two hundred apartments and commercial buildings was evacuated because it was deemed to be at “imminent risk of collapse.” So the renovation works begin with the Super Bonus of 18 million euros, with the myth that “they are already free”, but the desire for serious economic […]
Super Bubbles The Super Bonus costs us almost 2 thousand euros per person: the bubble bursts, 11 thousand companies disappear. The latest data from the Bank of Italy refutes a common theory: construction bonuses have not amortized themselves. The calculation also includes a “total loss” of 45 billion. And today we only risk carrying the debris of the explosion in construction companies (in addition to non-total numbers)
Super Bonus reveals its true cost: The bubble is ready to burst, even though its effects on the economy have been visible for some time. As the European Commission launches a procedure for excessive deficits, new data confirms fears linked to well-known subsidies for home renovations and the construction bonus system in general. The net […]
Front bonus of 38 million euros for a single floor: The latest crazes of Superbonus But the villas are no joke either, with a single record intervention of over 426 thousand euros. What about public housing? No evidence of funding: New data and map of where most is spent
Superbonus never ceases to amaze with its downside. New data shows how over 122 billion allocated to the infamous subsidy for home renovations has been used, after costs soared beyond all forecasts, devastating public finances and influencing much of the Meloni government’s economic policies. In this case, Pnrr 13.7 billion fund came into play. Part […]
Superbonus, all changes: what changes in expenses and deductions
A series of bipartisan amendments – introduced by representatives of FI, Lega, Iv, Avs, Pd and M5s – to the Superbonus Decree under discussion in the Senate Finance Committee calls for extending Superbonus deductions by up to 10 years, in some cases 15 . In a series of amending texts deposited at Palazzo Madama, it […]
Farewell Super Bonus 110%: towards the answer “No” to overtime
Those who hope for Superbonus to be reprinted, perhaps in a revised and corrected version, will have to resign. The measure will not be proposed again. At least, this is the line that emerged at the meeting between the Government and the majority in the Parliament on Tuesday, January 23. The path now appears clear […]
Bipartisan offer for super bonus, mini extension: what changes
After months of debate, the 110% Super Bonus and the 90% Super Bonus are going through the roof. The tightening agreed upon in the maneuver leaves room for only a 70% construction Super Bonus for apartment buildings (65% in 2025). Even if the game seems to be over, a mini extension may come for those […]
Bonuses for renovating your home are still active in 2024
2024 is the first year in which access to Superbonus 110 will not be possible, excluding extensions. The criticized subsidy for the renovation of houses, introduced by the Conte government and now abolished by the Meloni government, still continues, but at a lower percentage and together with other incentives: in fact, various construction bonuses that […]