We are republishing Fabrizio Gatti’s research, published last December and one of the most followed by our readers in 2024. Edoardo Barzago is definitely the richest student in Italy. He is only 23 years old and already has an impressive fortune of 2.4 billion euros. Of course, this isn’t cash like the dollars in Scrooge […]
Tag: super bonus extras
bonus woes Ruined by the Superbonus, a social bomb for a million people They no longer have a home but have payment orders for work that was never finished: That’s how they go to live in a caravan or with relatives. Citizens and businesses feel they have been deceived by the State: “Exodus” stories collected by Today.it tell how the Superbonus and house bonus system is now clogged
The system of super bonuses and building bonuses has collapsed. And problems are overwhelming everything: government accounts, businesses and citizens. Finding that costs are out of control, the Meloni government is reviewing home renovation incentives downwards, but while we wait to understand what will happen from 2024, the problems in the construction sector are tangible. […]