The government introduces 0% VAT. for food. This could be one of Mateusz Morawiecki’s last decisions as Prime Minister. On November 20, PiS MPs submitted to the Sejm a draft amendment to the Goods and Services Tax Law, which envisages an extension of zero VAT on food from January 1 to the end of June […]
Tag: VAT
Rents, smart working and taxes: What changes with the Advance Decree?
Today, the final changes were voted on in the Senate Budget Committee. It must be voted on in the Palazzo Madama Chamber next week and then voted on for final approval by the Chamber in mid-December. Let’s talk about the long-awaited “Advances” decree law. The decree on the 2024 budget was the subject of heated […]
What do Poles know about taxes? A terrifying test result
The majority of participants in the tax surveys are convinced that they do not pay VAT and excise duties. For excise duties this is almost 80 percent. As “Rzeczpospolita” notes on Friday, such conclusions arise from the study “What do Poles know about taxes?”, conducted by SW Research on behalf of e-pity. As “Rz” points […]
Tusk’s advisor wants to increase VAT on food. ‘The 5% rate must return’
The VAT rate on food must return to 5%. – says Andrzej Domański, MP of the Civic Platform, advisor to Donald Tusk. – I believe that VAT should be reduced to 5%. The Polish tax system is largely based on VAT, and as a Polish state – if we want to be able to finance […]
Balance the accounts Government finances maneuvering with oil High fuel prices, given the budget law, also brings new valuable revenues to the State coffers thanks to the “double tax”: hence the promise to lower excise taxes. What happened to the mobile excise tax and why wasn’t it taken to reduce drivers’ costs?
The funds available to the Meloni government for the 2024 maneuver are not very large, but help could come from fuels. In fact, gasoline and diesel prices continue to rise, and the state’s revenue from VAT and special consumption taxes continues to increase. These resources will be of fundamental importance to the budget law, which […]
What it means to zero VAT on essential goods and how much you save
To bring VAT (value added tax) to zero on a number of basic needs, thereby lowering prices. This is one of the points of the 2023 tax reform that the Government is working on. Maurizio Leo, Deputy Minister of Economy, will present the text to the Council of Ministers next week. The CDM, scheduled for […]
European directive enables government to reduce VAT on gas and electricity from 23% to a minimum rate of 6%
Portugal, like any other member state of the European Union (EU), can reduce the VAT on gas and electricity to the minimum rate without having to ask permission from Brussels. The EU directive on this tax was amended in April, exempting countries from seeking approval from the VAT committee. However, it limits the application of […]
State moves from deficit to surplus and tax revenues rise 28.1%
The “correct accounts” so dear to Finance Minister Fernando Medina are coming to fruition. In the first half of the year, Portugal went from a deficit, which stood at EUR 411 million in May, to a surplus of EUR 1,113 million, according to the June budget implementation released yesterday. The moderation of the pandemic and […]
State registers surplus of 1,113 million in 1st half year
“The budget execution of the public administrations, in the public accounting, recorded a surplus of 1,113 ME [milhões de euros] in the first half of 2022, with an improvement of 8,429 ME compared to the same period in 2021, when economic activity was strongly affected by a general lockdown,” the ministry overseen by Fernando Medina […]