The future of milk is… milk?

Milk is polarizing: for some, it’s a soft drink that goes well with cookies. For others, it is a cursed liquid that causes stomach problems. Even with alternative dairy shelves filling supermarket fridges today, the U.S. dairy industry is a $15 billion category with a market penetration of 90%, according to John Talbot, CEO of the California Milk Advisory Board.

However, the industry is not known for sustainability or innovative creations. Dairy focuses on one thing: working well and efficiently, but without tight deadlines or interference with product development or innovation. The industry took a while to realize the need for creativity, but now it welcomes new ideas, Talbot said.

Part of it, he says, is that the milk category is shrinking for a number of reasons: Fewer babies are being born, older milk drinkers are getting older, and more people are opting for a quicker breakfast instead of sitting down. and eat a bowl of cereal. 🇧🇷 Not to mention the number of dairy alternatives mentioned above. But it’s not just about milk alternatives: Water also plays an important role in people’s drink choices, Talbot added.

The California Milk Advisory Board saw the need for innovation and turned to those best at it: startups.

The organization hosted the Real California Milk Excelerator for four years to find interesting use cases for dairy products and connect entrepreneurs and processors to engage both parties.

“We now rely on the insights of these entrepreneurs to guide processing companies through the innovation process,” added Talbot.

Source: La Neta Neta
