Nearly 6,000 victims identified in a major cybercrime case

Police said they learned in one day that about 6,000 people had been scammed in a major cybercrime case. He suspects that the data of a total of 50,000 Dutchmen have been stolen.

Yesterday, the American police FBI launched the Genesis Market website. Various stolen data was sold here in bundles so that criminals could impersonate their victims in detail.

Police have arrested 119 suspects worldwide, including 17 in the Netherlands. For example, they would use the stolen data to loot bank accounts or defraud online stores. According to the FBI, Genesis was also a key link in ransomware attacks.


Since data from 50,000 Dutch were also up for sale, the police urged them to check if their email addresses were included in the crime database. More than two million email addresses have been checked so far, and it turns out that about 6,000 of them are infected. These individuals secretly installed malware that criminals could use to steal data.

The victims received an email from the police regarding next steps. According to the police, simply changing passwords is not enough, as passwords automatically fall into the hands of criminals.

Last year, several criminal marketplaces were uncovered where stolen personal data was traded. According to the police, Genesis was not the biggest trading post, but one of the most dangerous.

Source: NOS
