‘Paying on public transport can be avoided with a new payment method’

Passengers can easily avoid paying on public transport using the new payment system OVpay. According to research by RTL Nieuws, the system allows passengers to check-in with a debit card, credit card or mobile phone, but payment can be avoided by creating a temporary debit card via a free app.

The existing public transport chip card system will be replaced due to obsolescence. With the new OVpay system, no credits are required for trips because the trip amount is only debited at night. This gives the passenger time to cancel the debit card after the card has been used for rechecking.

The money cannot be canceled later. The conductor cannot understand that this is a temporary debit card. To them it looks like travelers are paying because they can only see if someone has checked in and where they are.

The cheat can be repeated on the next trip. The passenger can therefore regenerate a card, travel once with that card, and cancel the card again before expenses are charged. RTL learned that it takes a few minutes to create a map. It takes less than a minute to destroy the card. RTL News does not want to make the name of the app public so as not to encourage further abuse.

Source: NOS
