Using Desktop Widgets on macOS Sonoma: How-to Guide

Widgets need no introduction. They are compact tiles that offer instant updates at a glance, and they have been part of macOS for a while. They used to stay confined within the Notification Center, but with macOS Sonoma, they have been upgraded. The desktop widgets in macOS Sonoma are flexible and allow users to mirror the functionality found on the home screens of iPads and iPhones.

Want to know how to use these nifty widgets? Here’s what you need to know.

Adding Widgets to the Desktop

Having widgets on the Mac desktop makes it easier for you to look at everything you need at a glance. So, here’s how to get widgets on MacBook:

  • Two-finger tap or control + click on the wallpaper to see the contextual menu and select Edit Widgets
  • In the widget browser, search for the widgets you want by scrolling through the options. Choose the app you want from the left pane, or you can search for the widget by typing its name.
  • Choose the widget, and then choose the style that fits your preference.
  • Click on the plus button on the widget to position it on the desktop. You can also change the location of the widget by dragging and dropping it.
  • Click Done.

The widgets that are built into your Mac device are Calendar, Batteries, Clock, Screen Time, Weather, Shortcuts, Find My, Notes, Podcasts, Photos, and Stocks. There are also third-party widgets that are worth checking out. Additionally, Apple has claimed that creating custom widgets for macOS Sonoma is made easier for developers.

Please note that you must turn off Stage Manager to enable desktop widgets.

Customizing the Size of the Widgets

Widgets can be customized by decreasing or increasing their size. Simply control + click the widget and choose between Small, Medium, and Large.

For further customization, you can change the information shown on the widgets by control + clicking the widget and selecting Edit. However, this option isn’t available for all widgets.

Changing the Widget Settings

Besides the size, you can personalize the appearance of the widgets and where they appear.

You can do this by clicking the Apple menu > selecting System Settings > selecting Desktop & Dock > scrolling down to Widgets. Then, change where you want the widget to appear. By default, the widgets are shown In Stage Manager and On Desktop. You can deselect both or either depending on your preference.

The style of the widget can be changed, and you can choose from full-color or monochrome. You can also choose the Automatic option to alternate between the two.

Do you want to change the default browser you are using for your widgets? You can do this by clicking on the drop-down menu beside the Default web browser and selecting from the list of available web browsers on your Mac device.

Interacting with The Widgets

On macOS Sonoma, you can interact with the widgets on your desktop without opening them.

For instance, you can place the Reminders widget on the desktop and start ticking off all the completed tasks without opening the Reminder app.

However, if you are trying to access a non-interactive area of the widget, the app will automatically launch. If the non-interactive part of the application is not installed on your Mac but on your iPhone, you will see the message “Open <app name> on your iPhone to continue.”

Using iPhone Widgets in Sonoma

On macOS Sonoma, it is possible to use iPhone widgets. You can synchronize your phone’s widgets by going to System Settings on your Mac > clicking Desktop & Dock > toggling on Use iPhone widgets under Widgets.

With this feature enabled, you will see all the available widgets on your iPhone in the widget browser. These will even have the label that they are from iPhones.

What’s more, you ask? You can use all the iPhone widgets on your Mac without having to download them.

Removing Widgets

It is not rocket science to remove widgets from your Mac. They are removed in a similar manner as one would remove applications from the home screen of their iPad or iPhone.

You can remove widgets by two-finger tapping or control + clicking on the widget and selecting Remove Widget. You can also remove widgets from the Notification Center by clicking Edit Widgets > clicking the minus button.

What are the Advantages Of Using Widgets?

  • Immediate access to essential information so you can stay on top of tasks.
  • Boosted productivity because you don’t need to open individual applications to take action.
  • It is possible to track project progress at a glance.

Summing Up

So, there you have it. This is how effortlessly you can use widgets on macOS Sonoma. Choose the widgets that are most important and add them to the desktop to streamline your workflow.

Are you enjoying using widgets on macOS Sonoma? Share your experience in the comments below.
