Twitter ‘too risky’ for the stars who make the platform great

Major stars leave Twitter ‘uninvited’

Twitter was a referral tool for celebrities who could easily connect with their fans. most Group selfie of celebrities by Ellen DeGeneres It was the most retweeted tweet at the 2014 Oscars at the time. But when Donald Trump won the 2016 US presidential election, Twitter became politically charged and polarized. “Politics became a big thing when Trump was sworn in,” said Freddie Morris, the former CEO of the star management firm. It refers to all the celebrities who switch from Twitter to Instagram and mainly use Twitter for service announcements.

Big stars like Ariana Grande and Lizzo have since left Twitter. “I’d love to stay on Twitter to connect with people who positively support me,” Lizzo said in 2020. “But I no longer feel like a bully.”

Speaking to The Washington Post, an anonymous advertiser for some prominent Hollywood actors and filmmakers said there’s little to gain for celebrities on Twitter other than these bullies. “First I ask them why they want to be on Twitter: do you really think you can have a positive conversation with the fans, or is it for your ego?” In most cases, the broadcaster advises stars to avoid Twitter. “There is still a long way to go. Do you really want to give the world a different side?”

Source: RTL
