Survey: data shared by European internet users 376 times a day

I googled the most.

Advertisers themselves have no influence on data commerce. That is why ICCL mainly complains about the traders behind the auction systems. ICCL’s Dr. Johnny Ryan said: “Every day the RTB industry keeps track of what you’re watching, private or sensitive, and where you’re going. “This is the largest data breach ever recorded and it happens every day.”

The report does not include information on two of the largest online advertising companies: Facebook’s parent company Meta and Amazon. As a result, the figures remain an underestimate. However, data trading through Google’s systems was reviewed over a 30-day period. Based on this research, the report claims that data about Americans’ internet behavior is shared 107 trillion times a year. For European data, this amounts to 71 billion times.

thousands of companies

Google will give 4689 companies access to the RTB system. These thousands of companies independently collect information, for example about the users of their sites or groups of sites. By exchanging this data, a larger and more accurate database of internet user behavior is created. Google has not yet responded to the report.

Source: RTL
