Record and send video messages in Telegram ScreenRant

Telegram allows users to record and send instant video messages as regular voice messages. This feature supports autoplay, PiP and more.

Telegram This is one of the most innovative messaging apps and sending video messages is a fun experience. Users can send video messages in the same way as voice messages, but with an extra element: their face in response. This feature is also useful if you don’t need long Telegram video calls. Many users prefer to send instant video messages instead of regular voice messages, also known as voice messages. Also, Telegram offers a beautiful design and implementation of this feature.

Millions of users have started using Telegram in recent years, especially after WhatsApp’s new privacy policy confused users. Telegram offers its users many valuable features, including the ability to edit messages at any time after sending. This includes deleting messages for both parties, unlimited use and access to messages, and more. However, users around the world still prefer WhatsApp as it has the most active users.

Telegram Video Messaging is innovative and easy to use. However, this is one of the features that many consumers do not know. While Telegram’s features are generally accessible and easy to use, it has placed the video messaging icon in the same place as the voice messaging icon, which is confusing for users. Users need to tap the voice message icon once to switch between video messages and vice versa.

Record and send video messages to Telegram

Record and send video messages on Telegram.5

Users can find the voice/video messaging icon in the top right corner of the Telegram chat page and can switch between the two options with a single tap. The voice message icon has an Instagram-like design and users just need to tap and hold it to record video messages. Users can also scroll upBocklom icon After long touch and hold to lock the register so they don’t have to keep pressing. Once the recording is complete, users will be able to cancel, submit or edit the entire registration immediately before submission. Users can also switch between the front and rear camera while recording.

Users can use Telegram’s video messaging feature in any of the chats and in group chats, they can alsosaved messages conversation. In addition, Telegram channel moderators can also send video messages. Despite, Telegram It has users with a recording time of just one minute and this is understandable as this feature is designed to send quick notes. Users can always record and upload regular videos. Video messages are designed to play automatically as soon as they are sent. They also support PiP, which means that the video will continue to play even if the user has closed the chat.

Looks like you’ve blocked messages!

Source: La Neta Neta
