Von der Leyen on energy: we will reduce the price of electricity

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, talks again about the price of energy. Widespread increases are bringing our continent’s economy to its knees and the ruling class is realizing that it is necessary to intervene as quickly as possible with measures to put an end to the inflationary drift that plagues the West. Vor der Leyen also spoke about this in Tallinn, Estonia, during the Tallinn Digital Summit. The president of the European Commission has promised imminent interventions aimed at lowering energy prices across the board.

“We will make a proposal as a Commission in the next two weeks to tame energy prices and limit electricity prices – said von der Leyen – The objective is to reduce the price to a certain level without jeopardizing the security of supply. But as said, the best way, in addition to this immediate intervention, is to intervene in the market and limit electricity and energy prices. The best way over time to get rid of any kind of blackmail from Russia is to accelerate the clean transition with energy renewable”.

During the press conference with the Estonian Prime Minister, von der Leyen also addressed the issue of the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline and the danger of future damage to the backbones of digital communication. «The acts of sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines showed how vulnerable our strategic infrastructures are – said vonder Leyen – We must be better prepared» by identifying «the weak points and preparing for sudden interruptions to know what to do in case of emergency. Undersea fiber optic cables carry 99% of global internet traffic and now, for the first time in modern history, these infrastructures have become a target ».

Source: IL Tempo
