Pediatrician killed in Kiev by Russian bombs: she went to work after accompanying her son to kindergarten

conflict in ukraine

Oksana Leontieva, a doctor at the Okhmatdet children’s hospital in Kiev, is among the victims of yesterday’s Russian attack on Kiev: she was hit while driving to work. She leaves a 5-year-old son, who was orphaned because her husband also died six months ago.

Author: Ida Artiaco

conflict in ukraine

Among the 19 victims of yesterday’s Russian attack on Kiev and other cities in Ukraine, there are also Oksana Leontieva, pediatric hospital doctor okmatdetin the heart of the capital.

he was going to to work with her car after taking her 5-year-old to kindergarten when she was there dead of one of the missiles that fell on the city.

It was also remembered this morning on social media Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry: “Now your baby is a orphan – added in the tweet -. Your father died 6 months ago, your mother yesterday. My deepest closeness.”

Also on Twitter, a colleague wanted to remind her as follows: “Following the bombing of Russia on October 10, our colleague Oksana Leontyeva, a doctor at the bone marrow transplant unit at Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, died. Her son, grisha 5 years old, was left without parents”.

On Facebook another colleague, Oleksandr, wrote: “You were a light person, a friend, a colleague, a doctor, a mommyone sister, one wonderful daughter… You will be forever in our hearts, even if today a Russian missile that ripped you out of life while you were in the car and went to work for to save people! Rest in peace”.

Image from Facebook.
Image from Facebook.

According to the State Emergency Service, the updated budget for this morning from the rain of Russian missiles that fell on Kiev yesterday, Lepoli, dnipro and other Ukrainian cities rose to 19 dead and 105 wounded.

is the answer of put on to the Ukrainian attack on the Crimean Bridge.

they were hit civilian targets. In all, 84 “Russian missiles launched against Ukraine, 43 were shot down. Of the 24 Russian drones, 13 were shot down. And every ten minutes I get a message about the downing of an Iranian drone,” the president reported yesterday. Zelensky in his usual evening video on Telegram and Facebook.

“Occupants cannot face us on the battlefield and that’s why they resort to horror. Well, let’s make the battlefield even more painful for the enemy. And we will restore everything that was destroyed,” he added.

Source: Fan Page IT
