Qatari Dollar: What is the differential exchange rate the government is considering for overseas travel

Qatari Dollar: What is the differential exchange rate the government is considering for overseas travel

Economy Minister Sergio Massa fears that its use will lead to an increase in the exchange rate gap; He held meetings with chambers and sectoral entities

What will the "Qatari dollar" look like?
What will the “Qatari dollar” look like?

After the end of the “soy dollar”, which the Minister of Economy. Serge Massa, Announced to encourage rural exports and the inevitable ‘Coldplay dollar’ for foreign artiste shows, the government is hailing a new scheme. differential dollar for tourism. Although there is no official confirmation, sources in the economic team and the central bank admit that they are thinking of creating a special exchange rate to make the dollar more expensive. tourists. Purpose: to prevent the outflow of foreign currency from the country BCRA.

It’s about a call “Qatar dollar” that It would be located nearby financial dollar price, which closed above $290 and resulted in an exchange rate gap of approximately 100%.

How would it be implemented?

launch “Qatari Dollar” meant A reforming the dollar card, which is the value of the currency of those who use them card for that Pay for services in dollars or consumption while traveling abroad.

currently, Dollar card From the sum of the results retail dollars plus detention 45 percent on account of profits and personal assets, i Additional 30 percent for PAIS tax.

In this sense, although not yet defined, “Qatari Dollar” This can be done in two different ways:

  • through A price increase About receiving income tax on the account
  • through Creating a new exchange rate

Who is asking for the “Qatari dollar”?

According to various sources, “Qatari Dollar” It was not conceived inside Ministry of Economy, but it was a request from business entities. In this regard, it is important to remember that last Thursday, Serge Massa met with the executive committee Industrial Union of Argentina (UIA), who suggested making a scheme Quote which would correspond to those who do Buying a card abroad.

Sergio Massa during the meeting
Sergio Massa during the meeting

At the suggestion of business chambers, the government should make priorities and more flexible access American currency for import input rather than allocation Reservations for payments Dollars made by card.

In this sense, through the statement, General Business Confederation A few days ago, it was announced that “access cheap dollar There should be employment production and generation and not Traveling abroad or Purchase of luxury goods. In addition, he added that the subject “is in favor dollar They must produce, generate employment and import supplies necessary for the productive continuity of the SME sectors, which require them to add national value.”

Why is its implementation delayed?

As mentioned , entry into force thereof exchange rate Hampered by the doubts that arise from the economic team. That’s what has him and his entourage worried about the drain on tourism dollars, but they also warn that using the scheme could distort the value of the event and lead to growth. Parallel Dollar Price (Blue, MEP, CCL) And leave the “dollar card” again.

Mass delays the implementation of the "Qatar dollar".
Mass delays the implementation of the “Qatar dollar”.

Implementation is considered complex, therefore Ministry of Economy held meetings in recent weeks with some industry associations, Ра came (Confederation of Medium Enterprises of Argentina), Camarco (Argentine Chamber of Construction), Adefa (Association of Automobile Factories) Y Spread it (The electronic industry of Tierra del Fuego). The aim is for the cameras to offer an alternative.

Business entities have criticized that while companies struggle to access foreign currency for imported supplies or equipment, the overseas travel, tourism and services channel continues to account for the bulk of foreign currency outflows from the country.

Source: La Nacion
