Venezuela, dozens of dead and houses destroyed by floods: the voices of survivors

A violent flood hit the center of Venezuela. Las Tejerias was the city most affected by the drama: dozens of dead and hundreds of buildings destroyed. The government proclaimed three days of national mourning.

Author: Lorenzo Bonuomo

Volunteer Rescue Teams in Las Tejerias (LaPresse)

Entire cities flooded, dead and scattered among the rubble, destroyed houses and businesses. It’s happening in Venezuela: the country has been the scene of devastation for days, due to a series of floods caused by alluvial rains. At least 11 regions affected by the cataclysm. Las Tejeriasa city of about 73 thousand inhabitants about 67 kilometers from caracaswas the city most affected by the environmental disaster, with 36 dead and 60 missing (numbers being updated). These are the data that emerge from the latest estimates by the Venezuelan Ministry of the Interior.

The heavy and abundant rains – the BBC learned – caused the overflow of five streams in the area around the city. The water avalanches, therefore, invaded Las Tejerias, dragging mud, stones, tree trunks and any other type of debris collected along the way.

Local authorities estimate at least 317 houses destroyed and another 750 damaged of the floods. The water currents also swept away electrical cables, drinking water piping systems and telephone poles. Leaving the city’s residents without communications.

The affected area has been declared “natural disaster area”by the Venezuelan government, which announced three days of national mourning as a sign of solidarity with the victims’ families. Rescue teams, led by the military, are engaged in a race against time to save as many human lives as possible: men, women and children still trapped in the rubble of the city. They seek them out with every resource available, including helicopters, drones and trained dogs. The president also arrived at the scene, Nicolas Maduroto express its closeness to the inhabitants of Las Tejerias.

The Destruction of Las Tejerias (LaPresse)
The Destruction of Las Tejerias (LaPresse)

Survivor Stories: “Live for a Miracle”

“The river caught up with me and I had no choice but to climb onto the roof and grab the antenna.” Jose Santiago, 65, remained like that for 40 minutes, hugging the receptive mast. The only grip useful to avoid drowning in the current in the flood. From that view, as the rubble passed, the man watched helplessly as the river of water engulfed the surrounding houses. Including his: “At one point the water was almost up to my neck and then I thought, ‘if it rains here for another five minutes, it’s over,'” the AFP survivor said.

Another man, 63 years old Jose Medina, he was trapped in his home, along with his wife and granddaughter. As the water reached waist high and continued to rise menacingly, the man thought of creating a makeshift “boat” to save his niece: he knocked over the fridge, opened the door and lowered the girl into it. . So, along with his wife, he blocked the device against a table, to prevent it from being dragged downstream.

“We are alive by a miracle. I am happy but also sad,” said the man, who escaped the tragedy with his family. Think of your half-destroyed house: electricity “stole” almost every object inside.

A woman among the rubble in Las Tejerias (LaPresse)
A woman among the rubble in Las Tejerias (LaPresse)

“Many people lost their homes. I, as a businessman, lost my pizzeria – were the words of Luís Fontesa businessman who opened his shop just two years ago – and now I have nothing. “Like him, many other workers saw their businesses crumble: according to Venezuela’s vice president, Dalcy Rodriguezthe landslide would in fact have destroyed numerous agricultural crops in the surrounding countryside.

The violent flood that hit Las Tejerias, starting on October 9, took local residents by surprise. the housewife Carmen Teresa Chirinosreported to‘Associated Press that when the river of water entered the city, some evangelical Christian faithful were praying in a church not far from their home. At the same time, some children were celebrating a birthday together. Many of them have already disappeared, swallowed by mud and rubble. It is unknown if and when they will be found.

Source: Fan Page IT
