In “Cartabianca” there is talk of war between Russia and Ukraine. The broadcast carried out by Bianca Berlinguer on Rai 3 drew attention to the invasion of Russia and the attempts at resistance by Ukrainian forces supported by NATO. Alessandro Orsini, a Sociology of International Terrorism student, is also in the studio. Orsini spoke about the final days of the war and the consequences of Kiev’s attacks on Kremlin forces. “The attacks that have been conducted against Russia are paradoxically doing Putin a favor – Orsini told Berlinguer – Each attack, in fact, gives Putin the opportunity to push his people against the West. It also gives him an excuse. Russians are a real crime against the Ukrainian civilian population. Unfortunately, the basic conditions were created for the launch of the tactical nuclear weapon.”
Then Orsini revised the attitude of Biden and Putin. “The relationship between the two leaders, after all, is one of enmity, but also one of friendship. If Biden had another war, he would not want Russia’s obstacle. But let’s not forget that Biden risks his place with nuclear energy. With a confrontation . nuclear energy, the Europeans would rise up against their governments. In short, they would ask against everything that is happening”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.