One less day of work for the same salary. After the experience carried out in the United Kingdom, Portugal will also be able to introduce the short working week in 2023. The government, led by the socialist prime minister Antonio Costa, explained the measure in detail last week involving representatives of employees and companies.
The first results looked positive. After carrying out inquiries, Labor Minister Ana Mendes Godinho said that many companies across the country have stated that they are willing to change the working hours of their employees. to give them more free timeagainst an unchanged salary.
The proposal was also well received by a large number of officials, who obviously said that prefer to work one less day a week to have more time to devote to hobbies or to spend with friends and family. The decision to join the initiative, in fact, is voluntary both for companies and for each worker, who can choose to work or not on Fridays, being reversible at any time.
Pedro Gomes, an economist at the University of London who coordinates the project, told El País that only companies will be offered “support for changing production processes”adding that if few companies adhere to the judgment “it will be an indicator that it is not worth continuing to the next phase”.
The six-month project will take place primarily in 2023 and will include a final evaluation period that will likely extend until 2024. “We want to make it clear to young people that we are trying to meet their expectations and put the agenda on the agenda. center of growth that can only be achieved if it is inclusive,” said Labor Minister Ana Mendes Godinho.
The Portuguese government will approve the measure in a broader regulatory package that will also include a study on “new organizational models, including experiences such as the four-day week in different sectors and the use of hybrid models of face-to-face work and telework”. . “.
Source: Fan Page IT
Ashley Root is an experienced business journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in economics and finance, she has a deep understanding of the inner workings of the business world and is able to provide insightful and informative analysis on a wide range of topics.