Iranian actress Taraneh Alidoosti shared a photo on Instagram where she is not wearing a hijab. While she does this, she speaks to her nearly 8 million followers in support of women’s rights in her country, which is a statement that is not without risk.
Alidoosti carries a protest sign with the slogan “Women, Life, Freedom” symbolizing the struggle for women’s rights. With the photo, he also expresses his support for the ongoing protests against the rigid Islamic regime in Iran. Human rights activists in the country said 328 people were killed and about 15,000 arrested.
Protests erupted in September with the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. A Kurdish-Iranian woman died after being arrested by aid teams for allegedly breaking the women’s dress code. Some Iranian women later took off their headscarves during the protests.
Publishing the photo showing Alidoostis’ long black hair is not without danger. Alidoosti lives in Iran and had said before that he would stay there. She does not want to leave the country and is ready to “pay a price” to defend her rights as a woman. Several people from the Iranian film industry were arrested for opposing the regime’s response to the protests.
Last weekend, Iran’s parliament called for tougher action against demonstrators taking to the streets. Politicians believe the protesters are waging a “war against God” that could result in the death penalty.
There are Conservatives in Parliament hardliners majority. They accuse, among other things, the United States and other western countries of intervening in the protests.
nationwide protests
According to the AP news agency’s videos, people took to the streets yesterday in the capital Tehran. Another video from the city of Isfahan shows demonstrators shouting “Death to the dictator” and showing clouds of tear gas. It is unknown whether anyone was injured or killed during these protests.
Security forces opened fire on Iranians mourning in the city of Marivan last weekend. Many Kurds live in this northwestern part of Iran. A human rights organization said several people were injured.
The situation in Iran is unique. In this video we explain why:
Source: NOS
Smith Charles is a talented entertainment journalist and author at The Nation View. He has a passion for all things entertainment and writes about the latest movies, TV shows, music, and celebrity news. He’s known for his in-depth interviews with actors, musicians, and other industry figures, and his ability to provide unique perspectives on the entertainment industry.