The Ukrainian army liberated almost all of Kherson and was greeted by cheering citizens with Ukrainian and EU flags and balloons, and more than 30,000 Russian soldiers were relocated to the left bank of the Dnipro River, but the Kremlin says: “Our withdrawal is not a humiliation ”, then bombs Mykolaiv. What happens now? Telegram channel Generall Svr, run by a former Russian official who is now a dissident, reports that behind the scenes mediators finally say: “Russian President Vladimir Putin has received” peace offers “and initiated negotiations through trusted intermediaries with an attempt to freeze hostilities in Ukraine or conclude a peace agreement, obviously taking into account the interests of the Russian leadership.” For the West, a “bruised” and not humiliated Russia is better than a Russia in the clutches of China.
According to the “General”, Putin was strongly advised not to reject the proposal, but to take the opportunity to get out of a senseless invasion without losing face. The account also reports possible details of the negotiation: “Russia withdraws its troops from the occupied territories and allows the Ukrainian armed forces to reach the border. Crimea is withdrawn from discussions seven years ago, demilitarized and the Russian Navy fleet leaves the stretch of the Black Sea facing Crimea. In return, it will be guaranteed that Ukraine will not join NATO for seven years. The border of Russia and the Republic of Belarus with Ukraine will be demilitarized by Russian heavy weapons for 100 km. Transnistria is under the control of Moldova. Non-reciprocal attack guarantees will be provided.” Vladimir Putin will evaluate the proposal in these days and there is a climate of confidence.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.