Approve electoral reform without “eternal life clause”

The Chamber of Deputies approved the electoral reform protocol after nearly six hours of debate.

The two reforms were approved by 262 votes in favour, 217 against and 0 abstentions.

Most of Morena and his allies agreed to repeal the reform that allowed parties to transfer votes to prevent the elimination of minor parties.

The session approved reforms to the laws of the Federation’s electoral institutions and procedures, political parties and the judiciary. The general law on contestation in electoral matters is adopted.

Twenty-two reservations were made during the debate, but Morena’s majority accepted only the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico’s proposal.

The chairman of the board of directors, Santiago Creel, announced that the minutes will be returned to the senate of the republic to pass the caveat that eliminates the transit of votes. In addition, the House of Lords may transfer matters approved by both Houses to the President of the Republic.

At the end of the session, the parliamentarians sang the national anthem.

Source: La Neta Neta
