Not one but three waves of covid during the winter season. That’s it prediction (nightmare) by experts from China, facing one of the most significant increases in infections since the beginning of the pandemic and linked to three and twenty which will lead to a further increase in cases: the repeal of restrictionsthe vacation of Chinese new year and returning to work after holidays🇧🇷
As reported by BBCthe epidemiologist Wu Zunyou explained during a conference held on Saturday that the current peak of infections will last until mid-January, while the second wave would be triggered by mass travel starting on January 21 during the week-long Lunar New Year celebrations. During this period, millions of people usually travel to spend their holidays vacation with the family. The third wave is expected from late February to mid-March, when people will go back to work after the holidays.
Good news comes from the front vaccines: after the farewell to the Covid Zero strategy and the invitation to vaccination, especially for the fragile and those over 65, it seems that serious cases are decreasing. Overall, China claims that over the 90% of its population has been fully vaccinatedbut less than half of people age 80 and older, then at greater risk of developing serious illness, received three doses of the vaccine.
However, underlines the English broadcaster, one has no idea how big the current wave is, because in any case it is a question of underestimated numbers, as the authorities decided not to count asymptomatic people in the official bulletin.
The words of Dr. Wu Zunyou come after a US-based research institute reported earlier this week that China could see beyond a million people die from Covid in 2023 after the explosion of cases like never before in the last 3 years.
The government has not officially reported any Covid deaths since December 7, when the restrictions were withdrawn as a result mass protests against the zero tolerance policy towards the virus. However, there are reports of Covid-related deaths. Beijing🇧🇷
Hospitals in the capital and other cities are struggling to cope with the surge admissions, with doctors forced to work even if positive due to lack of staff. Meanwhile, too Shanghai runs for cover: ordered most of its schools to allow students to follow classes online as cases rose.
Source: Fan Page IT
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.