Became a mother at 48 after 18 miscarriages: “We tried for almost twenty years, now we are happy”

Mark and Louise met in 1999 and the woman started trying to be a mother at the age of 32. But since the man had had a vasectomy, it wasn’t easy.

Author: Biagio Chiariello

Many couples realize the dream of starting a family and raising healthy, beautiful and happy children. For some couples, it takes more time, effort, and even medical interventions to conceive and carry the pregnancy to term. Despite efforts, some couples fail. That’s what happened to Brand and Louise🇧🇷 Almost.

Mark and Louise met in 1999 and fell in love. “I knew Mark was the guy I wanted to have kids with,” the 48-year-old admitted to the Sun.

The couple started trying to have a child when Louise was 32. As Mark had suffered a vasectomya surgery that makes the man sterile, his choice could only fall on unconventional methods of conception.

Despite medical interventions, Louise experienced several hardships: the couple spent over $100,000 on treatment over a 16-year period; and even though she stayed pregnant 18 timeshad to deal with the harrowing experience of abort everytime. She has never been pregnant for more than a few weeks and the doctors haven’t been able to figure out why.

Several years later, shortly before her 50th birthday, Louise sought out another doctor. The doctor discovered that Louise’s body had what is known as ‘killer cells🇧🇷 These cells target and kill all embryos.

And so the woman was finally able to treat her illness. Mark and Louise decided to give it one more try, and their efforts paid off. William, their son, was born at 37 weeks. His parents are very happy because “he is a healthy and happy child🇧🇷

“Many mistake us for me grandparents Willy, but we don’t care,” admits Louise. The couple is happy to have raised the family they always wanted.

Source: Fan Page IT
