The Russian invasion of Ukraine was “inevitable” and the war is blamed on “third countries”. President Vladimir Putin during a meeting of the Russian Defense Council explains the conflict triggered by Russia at the end of February. What is happening in Ukraine “is, of course, a tragedy. Our common tragedy. But it is not the result of our policy”, argues Putin, “on the contrary, it is the result of the policy of other countries, third countries that have always fought for this: the disintegration of the Russian world. They got it and pushed us to where we are.”
On the battlefield, the situation is difficult for Moscow, which runs the risk of losing areas considered conquered until a few months ago, while Kiev continues to receive enormous military and financial aid. However, Putin promises to achieve all the goals of what Moscow calls his “special operation” in Ukraine and pledges to provide its armed forces with all necessary means to be supported. At a year-end meeting with Russian defense officials, whom he outlined Russia’s military plans, Putin said he would ensure the country’s nuclear forces were combat-ready and clarified there would be no limits on financial contributions to the government. contributions to the military.
After calling Russian soldiers and defense chiefs “heroes”, the Russian leader accused NATO of using all its capabilities against Russia and urged the defense leaders present to make use of the experience accumulated in combats in Syria and the ten months in Ukraine. In the background, the persistent threat of a nuclear escalation of the conflict. “Russia will continue to develop its military potential, including the combat capabilities” of its nuclear forces, Putin assured, “the armed forces and their combat capabilities are constantly increasing every day. We will continue to maintain and improve combat readiness of our nuclear triad”.
Source: IL Tempo
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.