Two men are shot dead and another is injured in a Soledad casino

The shots came from within the commercial establishment. People left the place terrified after witnessing a double murder that took place in the facilities of a Soledad casino on the night of Friday, January 20.

This was reported by the Barranquilla Metropolitan Police after finding that the case took place on Calle 54 with 15 Carrera, where the La Rocola company is located, in the Villa de Soledad neighborhood.

Everything was confused there, because the witnesses did not know what the ‘hail of bullets’ released. What is clear to authorities is that Diego Armando Gómez Henrique, 23, was beaten and died at the scene; and that Rafael Eduardo Ballena Jiménez was shot, for which he was transferred to the 13 de Junio ​​Maternal and Child Hospital, where he died as a result of his wounds.

For his part, Carlos Andrés Rico De La Cruz was injured in what happened, he was helped and transferred to the Campbell Clinic in Barranquilla, where he remains with a reserved prognosis.

It is worth noting that the metropolitan of Barranquilla began investigating this case to determine its motives.

Source: El heraldo
