Menstrual Loss, School Holidays for Students in India

Low Menstruation This week, developed by the regional government in South India, has been a victory for university students who see this school leave as a means to break down the barriers keeping girls out of school.

“This policy has the potential to encourage more open discussions about women’s health and menstruation. reduce the stigma associated with these issues,” Namita George, president of the union of the University of Science and Technology of Cochin (CUSAT), the capital of Kerala state, where this measure was implemented, told EFE on Tuesday.

The order announced last Friday was at the suggestion of the CUSA student union, which began spreading to various higher education institutions in the state following the implementation of this measure at the center.

“After our institute announced this reform, we received questions from all the students at their school about how to deal with it,” explains George.

The interest generated by this new measure led the Kerala government to include the reform “all state universities soon after”, he added.

The ordinance allows students to take time off due to menstruation without these schedules affecting school attendance, which requires a minimum of 75 percent in each subject.

“As such a measure is expected to bring relief to many menstruating female students, we have decided to introduce it in all universities in the state,” said Kerala’s Minister of Higher Education and Social Justice, R. Bindu, last week.

The law also provides for a maximum of 60 days of maternity leave for all female students over the age of 18 and is expected to be implemented at 145 universities in the region.

The latest move by the Kerala authorities, considered one of the most progressive in India, is especially important in a region where more women than men are in tertiary education.

Source: La Neta Neta
