Large-scale ransomware attack on thousands of servers worldwide

Thousands of computer servers around the world have been hit by a ransomware attack, Italian cybersecurity firm ACN reported. The Dutch National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC) also warns of ransomware.

Ransomware blocks files on computers and only releases them if the victim pays. The ransomware attacks a more than two-year-old vulnerability in VMware’s ESXi software, according to NCSC. This is a widely used system that allows multiple operating systems to run on a server. The vulnerability was discovered in 2020.

More servers were affected this weekend. Many computers in France were initially affected, but servers in Finland, the USA and Canada were also targeted, according to Italy’s ACN. Dozens of organizations in Italy were affected. The US Department of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security is also investigating the impact and urges organizations to report cyberattacks.

Cybersecurity centers are warning companies and organizations to take precautions and keep their ESXi systems with all security updates to prevent their files from being inaccessible due to ransomware.

Source: NOS
