HE Pope Francisco During a repentance ritual with confessors and believers in the Roman congregation of Santa Maria delle Grazie Trionfale, he attacked believers who were “too rich in themselves and their own religious values” for prioritizing their position before God.
“How often does this happen in society? ‘I am of the Catholic action’, ‘I will help the priest’, ‘I, I, I’. How often do you think one is better than the other? It was done in the heart,” he called to those who were in Ayin.
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Francisco pointed out that “many pure Catholics feel reproached only for going to church, going to mass on Sunday, and pretending to be righteous.”
“What happened? The self took the position of God. ‘I’ took the position of God,” he complained.
“Brethren, let’s not forget: the Lord comes to us when we distract ourselves from arrogance. Let’s think to ourselves: am I arrogant? Do I think I am better than others? Do I look a little offensive? early.
“’I go to church, I go to mass, I got married in church’… ‘These are divorced sinners’. is your heart like this
Read also: Pope Francis Wednesday at Asmis: “Idolizing oneself is destructive”
In the middle of Lent, Francis ended his sermon with a request for an “examination of conscience.”
Let’s not hide behind the hypocrisy of the visible, let’s rely on the mercy of our Lord with our darkness, mistakes and misery.
And he addressed the confessors directly: “Please forgive everything, always forgive. Confession is not to torment the sacred, but to give peace. Forgive everything, everything, everything, just as God will forgive you.”
Through his Twitter profile, the Holy Father urged Catholics to participate in the 24 Hours of the Lord’s Day, sending the following message: “Let’s put God first in confession. When he becomes the protagonist, everything becomes beautiful and confession becomes the blessing of joy; not fear or judgement, but joy,” he wrote in his post.
#24 hours for God pic.twitter.com/4EtmNgciWj
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex_es) March 17, 2023
Source: Ultimahora
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Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.