At least 34 rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel, largest strike since 2006

One of the registered securities took place in that community, near a shopping areawhere several shops were hit by shrapnel.

The launch of about thirty missiles represents the biggest attack from Lebanon since the 2006 war, which Israel fought with the powerful Lebanese militia Shiite Hezbollah -an ally of Iran-, although the media points to the Palestinian militias operating in the south of Iran Lebanon as those responsible for the projectiles this Thursday.

These militias, stationed in the refugee camps firing missiles at Israel in times of tension in southern Lebanon, the last time a year ago, in April 2022, also coinciding with the police charge at the mosque in Al-Aqsa of Jerusalem completely Ramadan.

hezbollah was attributed in August 2021 – for the first and only time since 2006 – to the launch of a batch 19 missiles after several Israeli bombings in response to several days of rocket fire by these Palestinian militias, although security sources believe the Shia group controls everything that happens in South Lebanon.

Source: El heraldo
