This Saturday, April 8, is the eighth day of the theft of which a resident of the neighborhood of El Poblado, in the north of Barranquilla, fell victim in his apartment, and according to him, everything led to a true “via crucis” because he case personally, or it has been impossible to do so due to an apparent ‘walk’ by the authorities to recover their elements.
Saturday, April 1, 12 noon. At that point, the victim went to lunch and, according to his story, left the property alone for three hours. Upon returning, he found the door of the apartment open and with the door frame destroyed. “Immediately one fears the worst. I went in and found everything jumbled up. They took some personal things, such as a television, mobile phone, PC, perfumes and a piggy bank with my savings, but the most important thing was a laptop and a monitor provided by the company because I work from home.”
Then, according to the victim, he called the neighborhood police and they took some basic information about what had happened. “She kept my name, address, phone number, time of the event and the stolen items.”
However, he allegedly informed uniformed officers that because the stolen laptop was an Apple-branded device, it could be tracked in real time even when it was turned off and appeared to be on his phone in a mall in downtown Barranquilla. “I told them we could go find him, but they hesitated because they were leaving their jurisdiction. In the end they accompanied me, but we couldn’t find him.
On Monday, the stricken person recalls, he went to the headquarters of the Sijín. “I went past three people, to whom I told them what had happened. The first told me they could deal with my complaint; the second said no because they only took auto thefts there, and he told me to go to the URI of the prosecutor’s office. And the third told me that yes, that’s where they took it from me. I was amazed at the misinformation.”
After that “the Sijín agent who was supposed to handle my complaint told me that in the end he wouldn’t because he was the only one on duty, and if a case came out on the street he had to leave and then it was his turn to leave me, complaint dismissed.”
The victim, of course, noted that they had informed him at the investigative office of the judicial police that “the police officers of the quadrant had not acted correctly, because they had not reported the theft to the Sijín.”
Finally, after almost an hour and a half in the Sijín, “without having received a favorable response to my right to file my complaint, I have come home to file it virtually.”
“I did the virtual process and they told me I would get a response within 24 hours. More than 72 hours have passed and they have not answered me at all.
The worst thing, according to the complainant, is that the computer is still in the same place where he warned the uniformed officers eight days ago.
Source: El heraldo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.