Peru calls for urgent reinforcement of the triple border with Colombia and Brazil

He emphasized that it is especially necessary to improve the communication of the local border posts with the central headquarters, explaining that the development and implementation of a plan to strengthen the immigration checkpoints in the triple border is “essential”.

“We know that the Triple Border is a very important transit area, not only for tourism, but also for commercial activities and other illegal activities. As a state, we must invest to strengthen our control capabilities, to ensure security and order in the interior, ” he said.

He explained that despite the “current restrictions”, Peruvian inspectors have been able to identify and bring to the attention of authorities African, Middle Eastern and Haitian people trying to cross the border with false documents.

He referred to deficiencies and limitations of the checkpoints in infrastructure, connectivity and equipment, which are necessary to carry out more coordinated work with the other state entities.

In this sense, he explained that for better articulated work they need satellite connection, solar panels, computer and communication equipment, speedboats to carry out interventions, more staff and better living conditions for inspectors who are in these positions for a long time. .

Source: El heraldo
