Super pink moon in all its glory

According to, you’ll be able to enjoy the lunar event starting tonight, so viewers will need to be prepared, as it will peak at 12:34 a.m. Thursday morning in Miami, USA.

The world is preparing for one of nature’s finest astronomical shows, as it does every year. This is the full moon in April, also known as the pink moon or the pascual moon, which can be observed in different countries of the world.

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“April’s full moon looks like any other full moon at first glance,” says Dr. Noah Petro, chief of NASA’s Laboratory of Planetary Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, in an email. However, each “offers a special opportunity to see a beautiful moon and observe the moon as it progresses through its phases.”


This image shows the full moon in February, known as the snow or wolf moon.

“I encourage people to dust off their binoculars or telescopes to look closely at the moon, try to see the different colors — light and dark areas — and realize that these differences reflect different rock compositions.”

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According to EarthSky, full moons are visible to residents of the northern and southern hemispheres because they are in the full moon phase, up to 12 hours before and after their maximum. The moon’s completion will not look much different to the human eye the day before or the day after its zenith.

For the best view of the pink moon, Petro’s advice is to find a spot with minimal light pollution and a clear view of the sky. Viewers can also keep an eye out for Venus and Mars, as they appear quite close to the moon in the night sky.

It is called the moon rose because of the color of pink moss or wild phlox, one of the early spring flowers. Native Americans gave names to the months so they could follow their harvest schedule.

Source: Photo: Pixabay.

Source: Ultimahora

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