Avalanche in French Alps: Fifth body found

The balance of the tragedy that occurred on Sunday in Haute-Savoie in the Contamines-Montjoie hills is getting worse. Another body was found. The toll is currently five dead and one missing.

Four bodies were found yesterday, rescuers recovered the fifth today, Monday, April 10. One is still missing, among the victims are two guides from the company of guides St-Gervais (Haute-Savoie). Eight people remained unharmed. Two helicopters and more than 20 rescuers were mobilized in the search operations.

Video Twitter Domaine Skiable des Contamines-Montjoie

influential Avalanche It was “1,600 meters high and 500 meters wide”, which surprised skiers, according to the Haute-Savoie prefecture. The mayor of Contamines-Montjoie, François Barbier, told AFP that conditions were “good”. There was no avalanche warning issued by Météo-France.

“At the Armancette glacier in the Alps, the avalanche devastated the victims. We think of them and their families. Our rescue forces are mobilized to find people still trapped in the snow. Our thoughts accompany them.” Thus, French President Emmanuel Macron sent a message on Twitter.

Source: Today IT
