A man is shot dead in the Renacer de Soledad district

On the night of Sunday, April 9, a 40-year-old man was killed with two gunshot wounds in the Renacer district of the municipality of Soledad.

According to the authorities’ report, the crime took place around 7:30 p.m. at 35A Street with Carrera 7, when Deivis Manuel Ordóñez Domínguez, a street vendor, was in a room of his house, as far as a stranger.

This person brandished a firearm and fired two shots, one to the neck and one to the chest. He was immediately helped by his relatives and transferred to the Adela de Char clinic in the city, but due to the severity of his injuries, he died.

It should be noted that the deceased has registered three entries in the SPOA system today, according to the police, for the crimes of robbery, counterfeit trademarks and domestic violence.

Uniforms of the metropolitan of Barranquilla arrived on the scene to collect the first investigations and thus find the motives for this criminal act.

Source: El heraldo
