The mother of the 6-year-old boy who shot the primary school teacher in the USA was arrested

There are accusations against the mother of the 6-year-old boy who shot his elementary school teacher in Virginia earlier this year. The 25-year-old is accused of neglect and reckless dropping a loaded gun.

The maximum penalty for these two offenses is six years in prison. Your mother’s lawyer said the gun was in a cupboard, on a shelf more than six feet high. The gun should have been locked too.

warnings ignored

Abigail Zwerner, 25, was seriously injured in the shooting on January 6th. She came under fire while sitting at a reading desk and was shot in the chest and hand. She managed to get her students to a safe place before She was taken to the hospital. She had to stay there for two weeks and had four surgeries.

Shortly before the clash, school officials were warned that the boy had brought a gun to school and behaved “violently”. However, as school was about to end, it was decided to wait and see the situation. Zwerner sued the leadership for negligence.

City of Newport News prosecutor Howard Gwynn decided last month not to prosecute a boy his age because he said he couldn’t understand the legal system. At the time, he did not ignore the accusations against others. Even after the charges against the boy’s mother, Gwynn does not rule out that other people will be blamed.

Source: NOS
