Pentagon Leak, Russians Don’t Trust: “Tricks Like That…”

Mole hunting. The United States “will continue to investigate until the source” of the classified Pentagon document leak is found. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told the State Department. An investigation is underway to determine which person or group may have had the ability and intent to release intelligence reports. The leak of classified documents could be the most damaging to the US government since the release of thousands of documents on WikiLeaks in 2013.

Today the BBC draws attention to a document according to which British special forces soldiers are operating in Ukraine. Direct involvement in the conflict, which would include US, French and other NATO units, confirms Moscow’s suspicions and accusations. However, signs of caution are coming from Russia.

In fact, the leak of secret US documents may be a forgery and a deliberate operation aimed at deceiving Russia, said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, responding to a question from the Tass news agency. “We don’t have a position, it’s probably interesting for someone to see these documents, if they are documents, or maybe it’s fake, maybe it’s deliberate,” Ryabkov said. “Since the United States is part of the conflict and is, in fact, waging a hybrid war against us, these tricks are possible to deceive the enemy, namely Russia”, added Ryabkov, specifying that “I am not saying anything, I am just assuming that various types of scenarios and models are quite conceivable in this case.”

Source: IL Tempo
