The pope prays for peace in Ukraine and Jerusalem in his Easter message.

“Open the hearts of the entire international community to work to end this war and all the conflicts that are bleeding the world, especially Syria, which is still waiting for peace,” the pope said. Square according to the Vatican.

After recovering from his hospitalization for bronchitis, Francisco delivered his message from the balcony of the central porch on St. Peter’s Facade after Mass on Easter Sunday.

A fragmented “III.

Holy Week of Customs and Traditions

Like last year, a week after his Palm Sunday speech calling for “Easter Peace”, he again called for an end to the war in Ukraine, but this was not achieved.

“Help the dear Ukrainian people on the path to peace and bring the Easter lights to the Russian people. May it be the comfort of those who have lost their loved ones and wounded in the war, and may the prisoners return safely to their families,” he said.

On Friday’s Via Crucis, as the pope avoided protecting himself from the cold night, the Vatican added a message, written by a young Ukrainian and another Russian, to one of the tour’s 14 meditations.

Recalling his family’s exile and his father’s military service, the Ukrainian claimed that he spoke with Russian “guilt” and regretted the loss of his brother who died in the war, but the gesture of the Ukrainian embassy for the podium of “equality of both countries” .

Concerned about Israel and Palestine

Later, Francis spoke of his concerns about the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East after violence escalated in recent days.

“Today we entrust to you the city of Jerusalem, the first witness of your resurrection, O Lord. I express deep concern over the attacks of recent days which threaten the desired climate of trust and mutual respect needed to resume dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians so that peace can reign in the Holy City and the region.”

He also reserved a few words for the victims of the February earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, which killed more than 55,000 people, mostly from the Kurdistan region.

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His speech included Libya, Tunisia, Haiti, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mozambique and Nigeria.

The pope only referred to Latin America when he asked about “Christian communities that celebrate Easter under certain conditions, such as in Nicaragua.”

Before showing general indulgence, “Relieve refugees, deportees, political prisoners and immigrants, especially the most vulnerable, as well as those suffering from hunger, poverty and the harmful effects of drug trafficking, human trafficking and slavery of all kinds.” for existing ones.

Pope present after hospitalization during Holy Week

Due to Angelus’ absence on Easter Monday, the Easter Sunday message ended Holy Week celebrations normally held at the Vatican, but the pope was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital a few days ago due to bronchitis.

Francisco attended Palm Sunday the day after his departure, and while off official duty, he directed all the action outside the Via Crucis at the Colosseum on Good Friday to protect himself from the nighttime cold.

From the balcony of the imposing St. Peter’s Basilica, in front of a square full of locals and tourists from all over the world with Spanish flags, he concluded with joy in my heart: Happy Easter to everyone. , including Lebanon, Poland and Ukraine.

Source: EFE

Source: Ultimahora

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