How was the war between NATO and Russia narrowly missed due to a “technical failure”?

An event last September could have triggered an open war between Russia and NATO countries. It all stems from a mistake made by a Russian pilot who fired a missile at an unarmed British warplane over the Black Sea. The incident took place in September and is mentioned in top secret US Pentagon documents that have expired these days. media.

According to a US intelligence report, the Russian pilot misinterpreted what a ground radar operator had told him and believed he had the authority to shoot a British reconnaissance aircraft over the same area as him. The pilot fired, but the missile did not fire properly. The incident had already been leaked in the UK, after which British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace told Parliament it was a “potentially dangerous” event. Moscow acknowledged that something was happening in the Black Sea skies, but sufficed to mention a “technical glitch”.

Pentagon files leaked to the press shed a more unsettling light: The incident could have been a cause of war, triggering a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia. However, London continues to pour water on the fire: “Much of the content of these articles is false, manipulated, or both – a British official told the New York Times – we strongly discourage anyone from taking the facts as they seem.” We recommend that they take the time to question these allegations, as well as the source and purpose of these leaks.”

Source: Today IT
