“Russian Special Forces Destroyed by War”. The latest Pentagon document

The war in Ukraine has destroyed the spetsnaz, the special forces used by Russia for clandestine operations, so it will take a decade to rebuild that force. That’s what emerges from new classified Pentagon documents involved in the leak, according to the Washington Post. Subjected to four years of grueling training, the spetsnaz were created to carry out high-risk clandestine missions, including the apparent order to capture Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the start of the conflict that erupted in February 2022. But Russian military commanders, unconvinced Despite the capabilities of conventional troops, they also sent this elite force to the front, which was largely destroyed in the fighting, at least according to US intelligence reports. This severely limits Russia’s ability to use clandestine tactics in support of the conventional struggle, both in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world.

The documents do not report the exact number of spetsnaz killed, but the case of the 346th unit is cited which “lost an entire brigade, with 125 people remaining active out of a total of 900 deployed”. Satellite photos of the garrisons before leaving for the front and after returning to base last summer show “significant losses” for four of the five spetsnaz brigades deployed at the front. American analysts tracked the movements of all spetsnaz units returning to base in southern Russia, except men of the 25th regiment. Large losses in men and equipment “may explain why there are no clear signs of its return”, analysts note.

Source: IL Tempo
