Carlos III, crowned under the weight of a legend: Isabel

He United Kingdom dawn to crown a new king and 70 years had to pass before an event like this would be repeated, but this time without the ostentation that in centuries past represented the enthronement of a new monarch, thanks to the commitment to permanence that he flaunts Charles III.

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And it is that the new king has championed environmental concerns, a sign of the resignation given today to the figure of royalty, and an important glimpse of what his reign will be. Perhaps the key to holding the unity on the throne?

Some point out that it bodes well, as the crown that Carlos now wears on his head has a heavy legacy that will be difficult to overcome, as his mother not only endured the most difficult moments of a consolidated monarchy in the turbulent post -times of war and the end of the empire, but rather accompanied the transition of a nation that was losing its power little by little, but whose monarch held it together at the tip of diplomacy, as the members of the Commonwealth saw it emerge and always grow old with integrity and exude serenity despite the vicissitudes.

Your child will not have it so “easy”.for which Carlos himself has made an effort in recent years to get closer to the citizen and thus modernize an institution that has always distinguished itself by keeping its distance.

That is why the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunakstressed that the coronation is a “living demonstration of the modern character” of his country, as well as “a prized ritual with which a new era is being born”.

The Prime Minister drew attention to the multi-denominational nature of the event, despite being held in a Christian church, as representatives of different faiths played a “central role” for the first time.

It is not for nothing that 2,200 guests will accompany him this year (almost 6,000 fewer than those who accompanied his mother), as well as 2.6 million tourists who are still the “crowning magic” While Carlos has been more discreet as a sovereign, there are admittedly leaks from his circle that reflect his distaste for the Conservative government’s immigration policies or the way Brexit was carried out.

Source: El heraldo
