Never ask for a rope that hangs you | Article

Alberto Vizcarra Ozuna

Recently, a wheat grower from the San Luis Rio Colorado Valley, Sonora, confessed in desperation: “We are very confused; we producers of wheat and corn do not know what to do.” in this confusion They ask for support “for commercial agriculture”, that is, one that is dedicated to the export of grain, the price of which is quoted on the speculative markets of the Chicago Stock Exchange.

Advocating a commercial scheme unprotected national grain production basethe disappearance of price guarantees is nonsense, and there is a contradiction in protecting the rope that the Mexican village has been suspended from for almost three decades, since the signing of NAFTA and with the recent ratification made by this government under the name of TMEC.

The requests for the support of “commercial agriculture” into which national producers have been thrown is a sure sign of the embarrassment they are experiencing; it is the desire for the disease to become the cure. Especially since it is known that the route laid out since the signing of NAFTA already included a gradual and systematic process that would eventually leave the nation’s grain production unsubsidized and unprotected.

Photo: Pexels

There were many voices that opposed the signing of this treaty and have since warned that we are vulnerable and exposed to the speculative whims of international markets. Disasters were not prepared for months, and the collapse in corn and wheat prices, along with disproportionate increase in production costs which are currently registered are an old abscess from which pus is now coming out.

The epithet “commodity farming” was intended from the outset to destroy national producers and give way to an insatiable corporatization of activities, the destruction of all social forms of production associated with small property, ejidos and settlers, in order to deliver the bulk of Mexico’s producing regions to large trading companies to which the government surrendered .

There will be no collapse in corn and wheat prices after this crisis. It is in this mobilization that the withdrawal of our main grain from the Chicago Speculative Stock Exchange and the restoration of the policy guaranteed prices according to national production costs. And thus change the stance of a food policy that aims to double the nation’s grain production to protect the people of Mexico from the horseman of hunger already riding hard in a world troubled by trade conflicts and wars.

Source: Aristegui Noticias
