“At the end of his interrogation by the (Vatican) magistrate in the presence of his lawyer, and after his condition had been verified, vehicle driver who illegally entered the Vatican last night was transferred to the psychiatric ward of the Santo Spirito in Sassia Hospital for mandatory medical treatment,” the Holy See said.
A man, about 40 years old, pushed his car into the Vatican CITY through the door of Saint Anna and he even reached the courtyard of San Damaso, in the Apostolic Palace, where he stopped to go down on his own foot and be arrested.
The event occurred after 8:00 PM (6:00 PM GMT) when a car arrived at the Santa Ana gate, one of the entrances to the Vatican wallsand after ignoring the instructions of the Swiss Guard soldiers that he could not enter without the relevant authorizations, he temporarily left the entrance.
Source: El heraldo

Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.