Bullet attack in Malambo: killed an informal security guard

It was this Saturday, May 20 at about 11 p.m. when two nationals aboard a motorcycle reached Calle 26A with Carrera 16, the location of the residential complex Ciudadela Real del Caribe, in Malambo, and in a bullet attack took the life of a young man identified as Jesús David Cueto Trocha, aged 19.

As for the facts, the Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla indicated that they took place during a meeting within the complex. The victim was there with friends and family when the dark-clad individuals arrived to shoot alone Cueto Trocha, who was reportedly engaged in informal surveillance.

After the act was committed, the criminals fled to the Villa Esther neighborhood in the same city.

The relatives and friends of the shocked young man helped him at that time and transferred him to a nearby care center, but despite the best efforts of the doctors, the young man died. The three gunshot wounds hit him in the chest.

The Metropolitan Police were on the scene to conduct initial investigations into the case, where they were able to establish initial lines of inquiry.

One is that the attack apparently targeted a brother of the deceased today, who has the same physical characteristics as him, and who is said to have received threats from Los Costeños in previous days.

Source: El heraldo
