He claims to be innocent and does not disclose the reasons for his arrest. The case of 23-year-old stewardess Ilaria De Rosa from Resana in Treviso province was arrested on May 4 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and confined to a cell in an Arab prison. Yesterday, the young woman was visited in prison by the Italian Consul General: although her physical and psychological condition was good, she seemed shaken and pleased with the visit of the Italian diplomat, who had heard from her family and reassured her about her case. Farnesina and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani following the event with great attention.
Since the first days of May, all traces of Ilaria De Rosa had disappeared. His family had tried to call him several times and wrote to him, but received no response. An immediately suspicious silence, given that the 23-year-old is used to informing his parents every day.
A few days later, they presented themselves to the Castelfranco gendarmes to report their disappearance. It took a day to get confirmation from Farnesina: Ilaria did not disappear, she was arrested after landing on a scheduled flight to Jeddah. Daughter of an uncensored, respected family, exemplary student Ilaria studied at the Duke of the Abruzzi, and then moved to Maastricht in the Netherlands. Also a short experience in NATO before flying as a stewardess for a Lithuanian company.
What Ilaria De Rosa is accused of: her own version of events
The circumstances of his arrest are still unclear, as are the charges. According to news agencies, the 23-year-old youth informed the consul that he was arrested while having dinner with his friends. According to what he told, about 10 armed and plain clothes appeared in the garden of the villa he was a guest, so much so that the first impression was that it was a robbery. Searches would then be made to include her, who was probably the only woman to have been subjected to such offensive treatment because she was not an Arab.
The young woman was taken to the police station and interrogated for only five days. He would categorically deny any accusation regarding the consumption or possession of drugs and the consumption of alcoholic beverages. At the end of the interrogation, according to reports, Ilaria De Rosa would have found him signing an Arabic document he said he was unaware of.
Mother’s words: “There was no joint”
Instead, the girl’s mother reported to “La Stampa” the version that Farnesina allegedly had given her a few days earlier. Ilaria was allegedly stopped while she was in the car with the other children. “And someone had a cane.” So it’s not a drug to sell, “but a narcotic cigarette, I don’t know if it’s marijuana or hash. But a boy had it, my daughter didn’t. Ilaria didn’t have marijuana. Still, they arrested him, too. everybody and everybody else”. The woman assured her that her daughter “has never used drugs,” a young woman with her head on her shoulders, and she knows very well that being in Arabia with drugs, even if it’s a simple joint, is “an enormous risk.” ” . However, the allegations remain unfounded. In fact, it is not clear what exactly the 23-year-old stewardess is accused of. And we do not know what was written on the paper that the girl signed.
Source: Today IT

Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.