A duckling helps his family cross the road: dies after being hit by a car

A duck got out of his car to help his family cross the street, but on the way he was hit by a car driven by a teenager. The blow did not let him escape. The crash in Rocklin, a California city near Sacramento, claimed the life of 41-year-old Casey Rivara.

His is a story that arouses great public emotion. The man had a good reason: to help baby ducklings and mother ducks get through an intersection safely. But it was he who paid with his life. A man told a CBS member that his children had witnessed the crash. When they saw that the animals were in trouble at the crossroads, they had noticed the movement—definitely unusual—of the gentleman who had stopped to help. "He's very kind," the witnesses would say moments before they faced a heartbreaking scene.

Who was Casey Rivara: "An extraordinary husband and father"

Casey Rivara is survived by his wife, Angel, and their two children, aged 6 and 11, James and Sophia. A fundraising event was launched to support the family following the tragedy at Gofundme. Post title: "Casey's Last Courtesy." Yes, because Casey was a kind man and an extraordinary husband and father, writes Tracey Rivara, the victim's aunt. She had met Angel when she was only 17 years old. She had come to California from Hong Kong on an exchange student program. The two fell in love at school and decided to get married to start a family. For Casey, his wife and children were everything.

Casey Rivara

That evening, May 18, she was taking her children home after swimming practice. But the mother duck realized that her babies were in danger. They had to cross a busy intersection but were unsure of what to do. So she went down to help them. But just as she was about to get back to the car, she was mowed down by a car. The juvenile driving the car is not the criminal. Many people left flowers and rubber ducks at the scene of the accident. "We want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for the kind messages and gestures of kindness," said his wife, Angel, thanking everyone close to the family who wanted to think of Casey.

Source: Today IT
