Famous actress found dead under the floor of a house

The lifeless body of Brazilian actor Jefferson Machado Costa, who went missing in January, was found in a wooden chest buried under the floor of a house in Rio de Janeiro.

The 44-year-old Machado Costa was a television actor who had appeared in many Brazilian films. The last time his mother heard from him was on January 29, when he said that he was going to a job interview and was staying with a friend. The investigation began on February 9, when police realized that the actor had not returned home, leaving his eight dogs alone. Moreover, in those days, the mother had received suspicious messages from her son’s cell phone.

The chest with the body was buried about 2 meters below the ground, and nine people dug it out of the ground. According to Brazilian media reports, the safe was in the player’s house, indicating that the murder was committed in his house.

Source: Today IT
