Kosovo, calm after the storm: what happens after the violent clashes

The situation appears to have calmed down in northern Kosovo after yesterday’s violent clashes between Serb militants and Kosovar agents in three townships. In Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin, according to reports from the Pristina authorities, the dispute saw on one side the agents trying to guarantee access to the municipal headquarters, on the other the Serbs who tried to prevent the new mayors from reaching their headquarters and take-out service up. The new local leaders are representatives of Albanian parties elected in the Serb-majority area in the recent local poll, boycotted in protest by Serbs. The situation worsened yesterday, especially in Zvecan, where Kosovo police units used tear gas to disperse angry crowds. Five policemen were injured, according to the official bulletin of the authorities.

Vehicles belonging to the Kosovo Police and the EU EULEX mission were set on fire or damaged during the clashes. The United States, Britain, Germany, France and Italy yesterday issued a joint statement on the matter: “We condemn Kosovo’s decision to force access to municipal buildings in northern Kosovo, despite our request for restraint.” In a joint statement by foreign ministers, the five countries also expressed concern over Belgrade’s decision to put its forces on high alert and urged all sides to exercise restraint. Another hot zone that could trigger a wider conflict in the future.

Source: IL Tempo
