Mark Rutte has announced that he will leave politics and not run for a fifth term as prime minister in the new elections that will take place in the Netherlands after the fall of his government last week. Last Friday, the executive of the coalition led by the Liberal Prime Minister, which led the country for almost 13 years, fell due to disagreements related to migration policy and, in particular, restrictions on family reunification of refugees already residing in the country. Netherlands.
In a speech today in Parliament, Rutte explained that he will remain at the head of the government until the next elections, which will take place in November, when he will leave politics. “In recent days there has been speculation about what my motivations were, the answer is only one, the Netherlands. My position must be read in this light.” “On Sunday I decided – he continued – not to be available as leader of the Popular Party for Freedom and Democracy in the next elections.” The fall of the fourth government led by Rutte, who took office in January 2022, after months of negotiations, was provoked by the Prime Minister’s proposal to limit the arrival of migrants, namely a provision that would have allowed limiting family reunifications and restricting access to asylum The Liberal Democrats 66 and the Christian Democrats of the Christian Union opposed the reform, leading Rutte to present his resignation to King Willem-Alexander last Friday, regretting the choice, however defined as a ‘political reality’ taking into account that the differences between the four coalition parties on policy of migration seemed irreconcilable.
Source: IL Tempo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.